Public Speaker

An extract of a public talk for UK University students: Reinventing ourselves

An extract of a public talk for females entrepreneurs and well-being: Making our impossible possible

“The Loud Whisper Takeover” PODCAST


Cindy is a human being who often made bold choices during her career as an entrepreneur and as an artist. Unconventional, truth-driven, and journeying an unstoppable quest of building community, she has a few stories to tell, to say the least.

Growth was always the calling, adventure was her fuel, and taking a risk was just too juicy to ever say no.

She doesn’t just share her stories of joy when succeeding, and her deepest pains when failing… Cindy brings us on a road of self-discovery, so that through story and human connection we can recognise ourselves on this path that is called life.

When she picks up the mic, it is to have her audiences connect on a deeper level with their hopes, joys, and compassion inside their hearts.

Her public speaking events address a variety of topics:

  • reinventing ourselves (as artists)
  • following or denying your intuition, and its consequences
  • standing up for your deepest inner truth
  • going all in
  • trusting the process and most importantly, yourself
  • loneliness and community
  • etc.

All her public speaking events are tailored towards your audiences. Please contact us to enquire about additional topics, themes and stories.